Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Well, I am extra-bad at blogging. It's been, what, a month since my last post? Three weeks? Pathetic. Much of this is due to the living-on-a-mountain-with-spotty-internet problem. By the time I have done ten internet rain dances, given burnt offerings at the altar of the most holy router, and achieved an hour of work in a mere afternoon, if I tried to do anything else my computer would very likely end up out a window. It's pretty pathetic that we're living in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I'm complaining about the internet, but there you have it.

Some of my basic-human skills have actually improved from this situation, however. There is no radio, so I download podcasts onto my phone when we drive into the big city. (By which I mean small city with several gas stations and a Chipotle.) But when those run out, it's just me and the birds, chirping away, and the bugs. The bugs landing on things. Which I can hear, anywhere in the house, and which makes me freeze, look around furtively, grab my trusty Bugzooka, and go on the prowl.