Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gettin' Stinky

The idea for this blog started last year, when Classical Singer magazine released their "Health" issue.  I opened it, expecting to find articles about how to get affordable health care in various states, or tips on how to build up vocal (and mental!) stamina before you go into rehearsals for a show; I thought there might be a discussion of marking, with advice from seasoned pros about this elusive and necessary tool.

Alas, there was nothing of the kind.  The ten awesomest yoga poses for super-extra-awesome auditions was about it.  So, here I am!  I hope to make the information on here 75% useful and 25% useless but entertaining.  


  1. Glad to read this, Cabiria! I have a blog, too, which I am actively avoiding. That takes some energy, too, let me tell you, but it's all worth it in the end.

    I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on our sometimes strange and wonderful world.


  2. Mrs. (!!!!!!) Cabiria,
    So happy to see that you are doing this! If there is anyone out there I would trust to winkle out the weird life-problems that our business throws at us, it's you!

    All the best for your new life, new blog, new huuuuzzzzband.

