Monday, June 24, 2013

Hey Y'all!

It has been almost exactly a year since my last post. And I didn't even plan it that way. I am just that good at being a really, really shitty blogger. Yesssss.

I am spending this summer in beautiful Rappahannock County, Virginia, where I will be performing the role of Most Excellent Wifey to hubby's Mildly Neurotic Tenor. Things are going well so far. We wake up, I make breakfast, he showers, I put on running clothes, we eat, he does the dishes, I slather myself in ten different kinds of sunblock, we drive to rehearsal, I run, practice, enjoy rural Virginian (mis)adventures, write pathetically underpaid and highly fabulous copy for people in Indonesia, (that's I a lie, I don't actually know where they live but I'm pretty sure it's not Sperryville) at the local library, and then go pick him up from rehearsal. I usually watch the last bit every day, and it makes me realize how much I love theater. Although I obviously would much rather be on stage, too, it is fun just to be around a production in rehearsal. There's no business like show business, and there's no people like the crazy mofos who actually do this for a living.
This is not a picture of me in Virginia, but it IS a picture of how I feel.

So, to cut the potent and pungent copy writing with something a little less brain-drainy, I'll be back to blogging as much as I can. I'm funny! I'm fun! Read my blog! :-)

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